• We are White Partners

    • ...indeed ALL of our clients are architects.

      As is our founder - Robert White. 

      We hope to be able to empathise with them and match their enthusiasms and ambitions. Delivering a depth of advice borne of a long involvement at the highest levels of the profession.

      To offer perspective, pertinent to both their size today and also tomorrow, forming growth paths looking to the horizon, for this year and beyond.

    • Our approach is to offer a perspective that every practice or studio needs as it grows and develops in a way that best serves and guides its direction and ambitions and stage of growth

      To act as mentor, coach and even antagonist. 

      Working with young practices or established ones, with those with national ambitions or global aspirations require different approaches. Our depth and breadth of specialist advice is structured to promote a balanced business model.

      Working closely with principles and their senior teams and support staff, we aim to identify areas of weakness and poor performance, as much as to support and promote excellence. As without a balance the overall will suffer. 

      We can work over periods of time on gradual changes and also provide stand alone reviews and audits to support or measure existing initiatives.

      Our team of partners can provide integrated advice on all areas of the business of practices - business strategy, corporate strategy, growth strategy, brand awareness and measurement, internal communications, market growth and targets, business plans and succession planning.

      Our constant work relationships support and are supported by a current and historic benchmarking in most areas of performance of architects businesses.

      The work of good design needs to function in an environment of financial stability and in particular, to develop potential, must be supported by a profitable work approach. Our advice covers the areas that support this and are carefully tailored with each client to build an expectation of profit and progression but also stability. 

    • The establishment of a Fee approach and appropriate conditions of appointment are equally important for a small practice as a large one.

       Architects Fees and the appointments they are arguably the most important aspect of the relationship with a commissioning client.

      We have authored some of the simplest and most complicated incentive and betterment based contracts and clauses used by the profession.  

      White Partners have assisted or led the negotiation of architects fees and appointments for projects on all inhabited continents of the globe. To date the value of the commissions is in excess of 15 Billion Dollars.  

      Negotiating on behalf of architects to achieve a balanced agreement and conditions of work can be carried out face to face,  at arms length as an adviser or by proxy with coaching to the architect.

      With a combination of Robert White (providing advice on commercial issues and Guy Tritton and Pam Morgan providing legal input we provide a balanced approach. 

      We are as excited by an elegant clear description of a clients work on a jewel box house as we are by some of the largest and most complex fee structures that have existed.

      Key Negotiation examples

      - Terminal 5 (Heathrow Airport) for RSHP, HOK and Din Associates (4.9b£) as appointments and framework appointments to BAA Supply Chain

- Selfridges Birmingham for Future Systems

      - Maxxi (Rome), BMW Central Building (Leipzig) for Office of Zaha Hadid

      - 2012 London (Stadium, High Street, Basketball, Velodrome, Swim Training) for various

      - University of Economics Vienna, Austria for CRAB and various

      - Krakenhaus Nord (North Vienna Hospital - 600m€), Vienna for various

      - PFI Birmingham, Bristol, Kent Schools and Birmingham Hospital for various

      - Framework negotiations on Cross Rail and BAA Supply Chain for various

      - Battersea Power Station and development for various

    • In certain areas of central Europe and South America and Australasia we have built and maintain a network of commissioning client networks and market knowledge. 

      We work closely with clients to introduce architects to appropriate clients either for direct commissions or limited competitions.

    • Covers a highly specialised aspect of the Partners work with client architects archives.

      As a practice develops the volume and nature of work develops alongside this. Carefully trapping and building a knowledge network is the first step. Together with a specialised Knowledge Management group we aim to help clients build an understanding and approach to this task to deliver a dissemination of self reference whether looking in for design development or performance or looking out for marketing and client relationship management

  • Clients


  • Projects

  • Patronage

    White Partners believe the future of the profession of architecture is based in excellence in design schools, theoretical thinking and in the promotion of innovative young practitioners.

     Over five previous Editions of the Press Preview of Venice Architecture Biennale (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014) White Partners have hosted the Dark Side Club, a late night salon where young practitioners and theorists have the opportunity to converse with the professions leading practitioners about issues affecting the profession. For details visit the dedicated webpage www.darksideclub.org.

    White Partners provide on going pro bono advice to selected practices throughout Europe in recognition of the difficulty of establishing a financially viable business. To discuss becoming one of these practices please contact us. 

    White Partners acted as patrons to the Bartlett School of Architecture for 9 years (until 2010) in the role as supporter of the Opener's Prize which helps to bring the best of the worlds leading architects to review and open the end of year Summer Show and award the Opener's Prize for the best Unit in the school. The list of Openers included Thom Mayne, Daniel Libeskind, Zaha Hadid, Wolf Prix, Richard Rogers, Paul Finch, Nick Grimshaw, Massimiliano Fuksas, Hitoshi Abe.

  • Research

    White Partners carries out research into the value issues affecting the architectural profession.

    The most recent study is an analysis of the value created on behalf of the clients in the design and construction of three of the 21st Century's brand led buildings. This work carried out in conjunction with Coop Himmelblau, Office of Zaha Hadid and Delugan Meissl looks at the value creation when measured in editorial coverage produced by their respective buildings for BMW and Porsche at BMW Welt, BMW Leipzig and Porsche Museum.

    White Partners utilises links with some of the leading theorists in statistical probability modelling, auction theory and negotiating techniques to offer tools and skills sets for the optimum fee negotiation structures and provides innovative structures for risk sharing, incentivised fee and contract arrangements for our clients in their appointments.

    White Partners works with in house legal advice and chosen network of specialists in Intellectual Property, partnering and property and an international network of firms we feel offer insight into regional variations of legal apointments.

    White Partners collates and analyse the trends and preferences in markets through out the world that affect architectural appointments.

    White Partners have a catalogue of studies into markets around the world.

    White Partners have a catalogue of  studies of clients around the world. 
  • Contact

    For general advice and Fee Negotiation

    Robert White
    White Partners

    Mobile + 44 (0) 7774621059

    Skype whitepartners1

    For full profile see LinkedIn

    Contract and intellectual Property

    Guy Tritton

    Legal Partner and Intellectual Property

    Mobile +44 7815 088662


    For full profile see LinkedIn


    White Partners are hosts the Dark Side Club during the Press Preview of the Venice Architecture Biennale a catalogue of past events is shown here www.darksideclub.org. The next planned event will be in May 2025

    LinkedIN Company Profile